Saturday, December 31, 2011

19 Weeks! Baby Bump!

I got new rider boots for Christmas and I am in love with them! I now have a black and brown pair! This winter you can guarantee I will be in boots, leggings, and long tops. I find them the most comfortable and I actually am feeling more pregnant now! 

GENDER????   GIRL!!!!!! :-) We are so excited to welcome a little girl into our family!! :-)

How far along? 19 weeks and 5 days
Baby size? Baby B is the size of a large heirloom tomato and weighs about 8.5 oz. and is about 6 inches long from head to bottom.


Total Weight Gain/Lost? I would have no idea because we don't own a scale, but I went to the doctor today  and I gained +1 pound since my last visit in October and over Christmas! 

Maternity Clothes? I have three maternity long sleeve tops that I just started wearing and they feel great! I also have 2 maternity tank tops that I love how long they are and can go under anything! No pants for me yet. I am just wearing leggings. 

Sleep? I sleep like a rock. No problems here! I have always been a stomach and side sleeper so I just keep the pillows around me. 

Best moment this week? Getting to feel her kick a lot at night!

Movement: She has really been active and I have felt the most movement ever this week! Every time I have hubby come over to feel her she stops. She moves at night when I am on the couch and a little bit in the mornings. 

Food Cravings: None really although I have been drinking more smoothies and strawberry shakes from McDonald's!

What I miss? Nothing! I am loving this sweet little thing growing inside me! :-)

What I am looking forward to: Hubby being able to feel her move! :-)

Milestones: Baby center says her little brain is designing special areas for taste, smell, hearing, vision, and touch. All the things we pray for this little girl weekly that she will be a strong healthy girl!

Pregnancy Symptoms: I get bloody noses from time to time, but I can generally get them to stop pretty quickly.

In general, pregnancy has been great and I am loving it and can't wait to welcome this baby into the world!

Sneak peek of her nursery!


And before the end of the year hits!! Here is a picture of our Christmas tree this year! Kirby has really enjoyed sleeping next to it! :-)


See the little envelope in the tree? :-)
Here is a closer look :-)
Friday, December 23rd, 2011 we had our anatomy ultrasound, where they check to make sure everything is going ok and the baby is ok. We had the tech put the gender in an envelope so we could open it together. We had our Christmas together on Christmas eve so after we had opened all our presents we still had the best present of all!! :-) We were both so excited!! 
We found out it was a girl and then made cupcakes and filled the insides pink to tell our families during Christmas! We are very blessed with such great family! :-)


Your closet has already begun to fill up! :-) 

Your dad painted your room and your nana helped paint your book shelf! :-)


Your daddy loves you so much already! He talks to you every night! This is the first outfit he picked out for you sweet baby girl! 

Here is a little project your mom and dad both worked on together on our 2nd wedding anniversary!


I am feeling very blessed and loving this break from school! :-)