Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ellie Mae's Birth Story

This time around we decided to not find out the gender, which was fun and I highly recommend it! My due date was April 28th. I had an appointment that day. I was 4.5 cm dilated, almost halfway there. I must have been contracting, but I didn't really feel it. My in-laws came and picked up our 4 year old to spend the night with them. 

We were all getting anxious and excited to meet our new baby! The next day my parents came and picked up Hadley from my in-laws. They ended up taking Hadley to town & Nolan stayed with me at the house. We started timing my contractions. Once they hit every 5-7 minutes I called the on-call nurse to see what she advised. She of course said to head to the hospital, so we did. 

Once we got there they put me on a monitor and, since I was 5cm dilated and contracting, they admitted me! Wahoo! I knew I would hold that baby soon! 

My nurse that night was really sweet. I told her once they broke my water with Hadley I was in immense pain, so if it all possible I wanted the epidural before they broke my water. She said she would get my room ready and we could do that. Once I got settled in my room the Dr. came in and said, "Let's break your water and have this baby!" I said, "Sure but can I have the epidural first." I think he though I was crazy, but I knew what my body would do. I got my epidural and then he came back and broke my water and it was fine. I had more hip labor than anything. Just constant pain in my hip. About an hour after he broke my water, I was fully dilated and ready to push at about 1:30AM. After pushing for about 25 minutes. I heard the doctor say, " It's a GIRL!" 

Ellie Mae Benge entered the world on April 30th, 2016. She weighed 8 pounds, 15.6 oz and was 21.5 inches long! 

Nolan cut her cord & they placed her on my chest! 

She was another red head.
Apparently, my body makes red haired girls! 😍 I couldn't believe it was a girl! She is our Rainbow baby and I feel so blessed to be her mama! God knew what he was doing when he blessed me with this healthy, beautiful, calm baby girl! She is the sweetest, cutest baby girl & we are all so in Love with her sweet little self! Big sister  is so excited to have a sister! She wanted mommy to have a girl really bad! 

After going through a miscarriage in September 2014, and trying to get pregnant again for almost a year, and 10 months of being pregnant my dream of having another baby was here! She was perfect with 10 fingers, 10 toes she was here. That baby that God designed for our family to love & cherish! 2 days later we took her home!!! 

I thank God for her everyday! Ellie Mae is my rainbow baby and I am forever thankful God choose me to be her mom! ❤️